Question about Resident Evil Videos from "Le Collection


Hi, some of you may remember me as DeanDude.

I was looking at the collection pages:



And the videos are not accessible anymore? ://

Please can someone explain why, or where they are accessible? I would love to have them. Thanks for any help...
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Extreme Survivor
Messages : 2636
Inscription : 15 févr. 2004, 01:40
Localisation : Brest

Hi, Dean79 ;)

i just warn you that you're in a french forum and maybe the english language is not allowed....

for the videos, i wonder what are you talking about : the GameWave numero :?

if it is this one you need a "javascript".....well i don't know very well but i think it is that because me too i don't have access to those video

Hi Grem, thanks for your reply. Sorry for the English, I cannot speak French (I talked to people at this board in English before, when I told them about the RE airsoft custom models- does anyone remember that? I know Wesker and a few others here speak English)

Anyway, the videos I was wondering about were:

-Video for RE 2proto, from Le Collectionneur #26 (April04)

-Videos for RE3 Japanese TV commercials, from Le Collectionneur #7 (May04)

I could not find these videos, and I don't think it has to do with Java not working... I cannot even find any links for them anymore.

Can anyone help getting these videos?
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Bio Gemini
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Hi Dean79, I'm going to try to speak English so don't worry if there is some mistakes :lol
In fact Hunk said that the videos would be accessible only during one month, that's why you can not have access to it now ;)
It's normal since we are in June today, but if you really want the videos, you'd better ask Hunk for it.
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Hello Dean79,

In fact, for some reasons of limited capacity storage on my server, I always inform my visitors (in French of course) that the videos are only monthly available. Sorry for that !
But I think you could find them inside the big RE communauty around many sites... :rolleyes :saint

And also, exceptionnally I've answered in English.
Hope you'll understand that we can't always answer in English here.
Outbreak Server :
ID: V108EA - HN: hunkBHFR
I don't call 911, I use 1911.

Thanks for clearing that up, Hunk. Could someone please tell me which sites might have it? (I've looked around 3 or 4 sites for these videos and I just can't find them)

Or could someone email the videos direct to me?

Once again, thanks.
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Messages : 730
Inscription : 15 mars 2004, 13:01
Localisation : Metz (57)

Hello Dean79 !

I think you can find the video for RE 3 Japanese Tv Commercials here :
And the video for RE 2 Proto is here :

Bye ! ;)
Alright, ya worm-infested, rotten-minded dead things ! Come to papa !